What happens if I lose internet?

If you are asking this question, good for you. If you haven’t thought of this and are aiming to create a safe property, this is an important consideration that isn’t often thought about until it happens. You can lose internet through a multitude of ways, one being someone intentionally crashing your network. If this happens and you have a service that cannot operate offline (most likely a cloud-based solution), your cameras will be useless during this time with all video footage and accompanying data most likely being lost. Clever actors can exploit this to lower your defenses, which is a no-go for properties that are prioritizing resiliency.
Our system is outfitted to operate completely offline, even if you choose to leverage a cloud deployment. If you were to lose internet, we will save all data locally until internet connection is restored, at which point all of the data will be synced with other systems and services. Throughout the duration of the outage, MIDL will still be able to record data and send alerts across your local network and even initiate a lockdown of your property for significant safety threats that you pre-determine.
If this is not something you have thought about before, it may be an important consideration moving forward. It is also reasonable that you are not concerned with having this level of security based on your property type, which is understandable. We are happy to offer thought while you create or update your safety operations, reach out with the button below if you would like to have a conversation.
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